
"Čím víc se učíme, tím víc odhalujeme svoji nevědomost." — Percy Bysshe Shelley

2024 Advanced Instructor Training - Oxygen Advantage with Patrick McKeown

2024 Opening the Breath - Tom Myers Anatomy Trains

2024 The Anatomy of the Breath: Dissection Livestream SpecialtyClass - Anatomy Trains

2024 Human Biomechanical Faults in Relation to Equestrian Performance - Centaur Biomechanics                      and Dr Kirk Peck  

2024 FMT Tejpování Basic a Performance - RockTape

2024 Myofascial Therapy - Masérnička 

2023 Rekvalifikační kurz Sportovní masér

2023 FMT Movement Specialist - RockTape

2023 Breathing in Balance workshop - Franklin Method

2023 Horse-Rider Myofascial Connection - The Equine Education Hub

2023 The Hoof and its Myofascial Connections - The Equine Education Hub

2023 Rider Biomechanics: Improving Horse and Rider Performance - Centaur Biomechanics

2015 European Agrarian Diplomacy magisterské studium 

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